Attention Military Veterans

Feeling lost, overwhelmed, or disconnected after years of military service?

You Are Not Alone.

Welcome To ValiantPath™️

Helping Veterans to re-connect with who they want to be.

Join the program for a unique three-month journey designed specifically for Veterans. Combining the strengths of personal recovery, deep emotional processing, and community support, Veterans reclaim their lost joy, sense of purpose, and personal confidence for the next chapter of life.

ValiantPath™️ blends a science-backed curriculum and community with pioneering therapuetic techniques for safe, easy, and effective emotional prcoessing.

" If you are a Veteran who has struggled, it's time for you to experience the ValiantPath benefits that no other program can provide -- personal growth, renewed sense of meaning, self-love and confidence, and a return of real happiness and joy."

Garret Biss, USMC (Ret.)

– Creator, ValiantPath

Veterans by the numbers:


New Veterans Each Year


Incr. Struggle with SUD or MH


More Likely to Attempt Suicide

1.3 Million

Veterans Struggle w/ Addiction

The Key Compontents of ValiantPath™️

What Makes It Unique?

No other Veterans program combines all these key elements necessary for personal and emotional growth.


Connection & Community

Veterans lose the unique connection when we separate and this lack of community leads many to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and misunderstood.


Cutting-Edge Processes

More of the same won't make a difference; if you want change, you need to do something new. VP leverages pioneering techniques for growth and emotional processing.



If you haven't served or gone through the transition from active duty, you just don't get it. VP is designed and led by a retired Marine Corps Veteran.


Science-Backed Program

Positive Psychology and the science of human flourishing are the foundation for the VP proprietary curiculum providing the tools to become the best version of yourself.


Accountability & Support

We all go further in life when supported by others. As a member of VP, you'll get that accountability and support from fellow Veterans who want to see you succeed.


Expert Recovery Coaching

The mission of a recovery coach is to help you identify your innate-strengths and develop a plan with them to acheive your personal ambitions in life and recovery.

Watch This Short Video To Learn More About ValiantPath™️


3 Most Common Veterans Issues That Are Not Addressed

Veterans have specific challenges and specific needs that civilians don't face. Many Veterans feel stuck no matter what resources, programs, or treatments they try. Often, it is because these Veterans' needs aren't properly addressed which leaves too many Veterans feeling lost, alone, lacking a sense of purpose or drive, or suffering from an unknown void within. ValiantPath™️ was designed to empower Veterans to overcome these obstacles to their personal and professional growth.

1. Veteran Disconnect

To Veterans, connection means, "I will go into the fight with you and sacrifice my wellbeing to protect yours." This level of connection is rare outside of the military leaving many Veterans feeling lost, alone, or afraid even when surrounded by friends and family.

2. Veteran Mask

When Veterans leave active duty they often feel forced to hide thier true self in order to fit in and be accepted. The masks Veterans wear for acceptance also leave them with the feeling of being defective or unlovable as their authentic self.

3. Veteran Mission Void

A sense of meaning not only provides joy, it's also one's capacity to endure suffering; suffering ceases to be suffering when one finds a sense of meaning. When we lose our sense of meaning, we often lose the ability to deal with life's hardships.

In Their Own Words

What Veterans Are Saying

Who knows what Veterans need better than another Veteran? Many Veterans from all walks of life have worked with ValiantPath™️ creator, Garret Biss, and have this to say about his work and impact in the Veteran community:


A. Doyle,

USMC Veteran

"My first introduction to Garret's work completely changed the way I was managing my life professionally and personally"


R. Richardson

Army Veteran

"I've been working with Garret for several years. With the struggles I faced after 9 years of military service, his program definitely helped me to grow and excel in many areas of my life"


J. Lopez


"I once spoke with Garret for about an hour and he changed my perspective of life and honestly, my happiness."

Are you a Veteran who has struggled with addiction, lack of purpose or low self-worth since you separated?

ValiantPath™️ is created to help Veterans regain their confidence, self-worth, and sense of meaning. Experience the benefits of community, expert recovery coaching, and pioneering curriculum for personal growth and emotional processing. Reach out now to see if ValiantPath™️ is the best next step for your life and your Veteran journey.

A Few Organizations We've Recently Supported:

Veteran-Owned Business

Diamond Mind, LLC ©️ 2023 . All rights reserved

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